picture accompanying the letter
“A voice from the prison of Sepastia”
Arm. Der Mesrobian
The day the men of Sepastia were arrested
June 30, 1915
The Sunday of Vartevar
My dear mother Dzagheeg, my father Yeghiseh, my brother Vahan, my wife Noyemzar, my brother’s wife Vartanoush, and kids,
From what I understand this battle will not last very long. Try to stay somewhere (drakyoutyan jampah). Even if you need to change your name (?) do so to stay alive, as long as you don’t allow any marriages with Turks. The Turks have planned to destroy the Armenian race. This plan will be executed without delay. Even those who ask you to change your religion are mistaken. Think wisely, one cannot trust the Dajiks/Muslims.
Please send me all my necessities for my “trip.” Do your best to stay alive. Changing your religion, even temporarily, has no value/meaning. If there is a marriage with a Turk everything will be lost. It will be good to burn the house and sacrifice yourself. In every situation I feel hopeless. This is our tragic end.
You all will also “take a trip.” Afterwards they will torture and kill all the prisoners. We have accepted that happily and are ready to for this in the name of Christ.
It is unbearable for me to figure out how you will go on by yourselves, without a home or a place, as a family.
It is better to die than to take even one step in that state because the bad part is in the journey. Do as you see fit. During your emigration, take whatever measures you need to…
Naturally, you won’t be able to take gold or silver with you. Bury it. Also, write down a memoir. Teach the children about everybody. That’s inevitable. Go with solid Christian and complete faith in yourself. God be with you. But where? God knows. Towards death and destruction. Let God be the one to take revenge on this people. Presently, with these two lines, I come to bid you your last goodbye. Goodbye my dear father, mother, and brother; Goodbye my dear wife Noyemzar, Mesrop, my innocent Zabel, and my little lambs Haig, Nevart, and angel-like Veron. God take them, if we don’t see each other again, just don’t become a Turk.
Take Kulegjian Garabed’s wife Yeghisapet with you. Reply to my letter if you can.
Signatures A.D.M. (Armenag Der Mesrobian) Prisoner
Serop Seradarian* *Sahag Seradarian’s Uncle’s Grandchild, Teacher